Friday, 25 November 2016


While my other post, filled with big thoughts, gets written and re-written almost daily for the last two weeks, but never ready, I have to just write this here:

We got stopped by the police yesterday for having no bike lights (bad style, I know :( ), but since we are a couple, we got one fine to share. :D :D :D.
Almost have to say I love the Dutch police. Then again, as I once heard at a comedy show - in the Netherlands, there even isn't police, there is polite-i instead ;D. They sure were polite, I am very happy  and we also got free bike lamps. Go politie :).

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

gotta love people and life

Luka just told me that once people thought that you can actually measure a human soul after it leaves the body and they measured it to weigh exactly 21 grams.
:D. :D :D.

Best day in a long time :D :)