Coming back home always urges me
to evaluate where I’ve been in the meantime and what I think of it all. The end
of the year only adds to the urge, and so does the fast-approaching end of my
MSc, so here we go, evaluation time.
I am so grateful for my life and
also grateful for being me. I feel like the more I grow, the more I feel so
well about being me and that I can trust myself to make decisions which make me
happy. I am so grateful that throughout my life I have been surrounded by so
many so great people, from who I could learn. I am happy that some of these
people are from my family, so hopefully at least some of the things I had to
learn, run in my blood. Other lessons come from their courage to make decisions
in their lives, which does not always mean the easier option, but the one,
which feels right. This I so appreciate and really hope that I will have the
same courage. The rest of the great people I’ve come across, however, have no
“obligation” to be in my life at all, and are or have been there completely
voluntarily. This is the interesting part of friendship. And even my friends
have families with many amazing people in them, and by knowing my friends, I
hope that some of the knowledge of their inspiring parents, grandparents and
their parents, has reached me. And finally, I am also grateful for all these
people who I have met, known and not found so great. Because I think I have
also learned a lot about myself by learning who I am not.
But all in all, I like myself,
that after spending 19 adventurous years in Hiiumaa, Estonia, I have taken
myself to see other countries and other people. I am happy that I studied
something as basic and principal like health, which connects more or less to
all other aspects of our existence or the world, and which is so fascinating
for me and something, which I really have wanted and still do want to learn
more about. I value this knowledge and its future perspectives, because either
when counselling people or doing research (also cool that I learned both J), it allows me to help
people and hopefully make at least someone’s lives more easy, happy and
fulfilling. This value, in turn, I have most likely learned from my great
people. (as well as from those who did not care of helping others and how I
felt about them). In general, I like people and I believe that all people are
good, but just some, sometimes, end up taking bad decisions due to specific
circumstances. I am interested in our behaviour and happy that I can analyse it
with the help of academic knowledge from behaviour to physiology.
So I would just like to say here
at the end of the year, that at least the thing which I probably appreciate the
most is the courage to question things outside as well as inside of oneself and
to take decisions which feel right, even when you don’t know where it will end
up leading you. That it is important to make yourself happy and do whatever you
like. Afterall (and as I’ve probably already written many times before) if we
all just got one life (at a time at least), then it makes sense to be at least
a little bit selfish and do what is best for yourself. And that I personally
have for sure learned it from my friends, family and all other people who I
have come across. I so value and appreciate them, and I also want to do all I
can, to be my personal best (which was the resolution for 2016 ;D), help,
encourage and motivate others, and be the best possible influence I can. On the
same time, I do not want to hurt anyone, be unfair, rude, ignorant, judgemental
or in any way cause any unreasoned suffering. And when I think of these values,
I am happy with myself and my life, because I really believe that these are
good values (which, I do understand, one should better always think about all
their values :D).
And yes, I am aware that likely
if one has read even 10% of the posts in this blog, this post has not brought
in much new (:D). But that at the end of the year, it is good to evaluate, and
I am happy for having met, known and for still knowing so many good people. I
am happy that I have education, which allows me to help people, I am happy that
I have travelled and gained knowledge about a wide range of people and
opinions, happy that I appreciate people and happy that I have learned good
values, including valuing the courage of making decisions which feel right.
I am also unhappy about many many
things in the world. But I do hope that being the best possible me is a good
starting point to do what I can about the other things. So I think that I’ll
also keep the same plan for next year – to be my personal best J. I would also like to
hereby encourage everyone to evaluate the year, the life, and whatever else is
relevant and think that maybe most suitable would be to end this post with the
good old Serenity prayer (and hope it’ll then be in all of our minds at least for
whole of 2017 J). And that if you dont feel like asking all that from God, then I hope that we will all find the power in ourselves to work towards the serenity, courage and wisdom.
Lord, grant me the serenity to
accept the things that I cannot change;
the courage to change the things
I can;
and the wisdom to know the
Til next year J. Me.
(photos are of recent happy peacful moments and great people :))