However, he was fresh and ready once he arrived to Aarhus, so we did a lot of sightseeing, went to the movies, to bars and pubs and cool places to eat. Was so much fun :).

Then we picked up another Estonian girl and drove all the way back to Estonia. Craaazy trip - we visited Hamburg and Berlin, where I practiced driving a manual car in the centrum, but the other two - Juhan and Liisa were brave. Liisa was happy not to be sleepy anymore, and Juhan was only worried about the car. Anyway anyhow, I managed. Then continued driving on the highways trough Germany and Poland, which took us (even though driving at least 140km/h most of the time) the whole night and half of the following day. And about 2 liters of coffe for me.

Today I've been sleeping and unpacking - settling down at mum's, where I am going to live during the summer to do my workplacement at Sparta sportsclub. Looking so much forward! And it's so nice to be home. Later tonight I am going to see my bestest best best friend ever - Miili, who I missed even more than home :), chill with Juhan, and tomorrow we'll drive to the island where I come from - Hiiumaa. Thats the real home. (oooh, life is amazing and me happy :D)
We'll celebrate midsummers eve and Juhans birthday, then I'll do a bit of babysitting, a bit of resting and relaxing, and then come back to Tallinn for my internship.
Also, I miss running or any kind of moderate/high intensity exercise like craazy. Resting, chilling, eating and drinking are only nice if I do them sometimes, and between all the other stuff I do. However, if they become what life is made of, it feels quite..uncool. So I am very motivated to do as much training as possible and to start my internship as a trainer and a nutritionist :).
If someone asked me right now to name one bad thing about my life, I couldn't :).
Have fun and happy summer :)
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