Wednesday, 25 January 2012

I have to admit - ühepajatoit IS the best food ever

..just ate a ridiculous amount of it was almost as nice as horse riding :)

Today was a healthy body-healthy mind day. Woke up, had a glass of juice and a banana and went to gym for 1,5 hours. I rowed 5km under 23 minutes, which is awfully good  for me :). ...but as we all know it's all about pulling with your body mass, so that might be the reason and if thats the case, I'd better not brag about it :/. So thats what I did for the first half an hour. After that some swimmers came and asked what I'm doing (my gym is for professional sportsmen..I guess I didnt look all that professional with all them machines and weights) and if I'd like them to show me a couple of fun exercises. So I had the coolest and most educating workout ever :). After that I had a shower, some sports drink and a small lunch and went to the library - borrowed a book about how CIA and FBI and organisations work, a fashion book from 1960's :D, a story about Gucci family and some DVD's to fill my forever-lasting vacation. That done, I decided that the moment to visit Aarhus' almost only sightseeing place has finally arrived and visited Aros. That's an amazing art museum with a funny little rainbow-thing on top. It was all so amazing, I could spend days there. In the museum I mean, in the rainbow-thing I guess it'd get kinda lonely and cold. And so I did - get lonely and cold and tired as well, so I decided to bike home. Passed by a grocery shop in the way and couldnt resist buying a nut-chocolate (I did buy some more reasonable things as well). And so when I finally arrived home after being away for 6 hours, I was sooo hungry and tired. It took me 10 minutes to chop some cabage, carrots and potatoes, 30 to boil them wile having a shower and a cup of hot coffee and another 10 to eat myself so enjoyably full and drink a cup of tea :). After doing all that I wanted to brush my teeth but had run out of toothpaste, so I figured I'll borrow some from the neighbor. ..but then I got all freaked out as his  nice and always smiling and being cool to me and how can I go and be like 'hey im this girl who doesnt notice when she's running out of toothpaste so could I have some of yours..' :D and I decided not to go. BUT amazingly I had that whole chocolate in my bag, so I went behind his door and presented him with a great opportunity to change his toothpaste for this amazing bar of chocolate. He laughed and agreed. It's amazing what chocolate makes people do..:)
And now here I am. Sitting in my, nice smelling, full and lazy :). Gonna put on a DVD with Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts and Philip S Hoffman and hope its gonna be as good as the cover looks like. And if what..I've got nothing better to do anyway :). And to make it educating and good for me, Im even gonna have Danish subtitles under :).
Hope you'll all have fun, I know I will :)

Tuesday, 24 January 2012


I've been thinking for a while about starting a new blog in English. As it is a beginning of a new year with all those promises to keep and my best friend/roommate just moved out for good so I dont have anything better to do anyway, then why not now. About the new year's promises...I only had one actually, but it is a big one..I promised that from this year forward I am never ever gonna have an unhealthy lifestyle again. So far so good with it, but I think I could use some motivation. And who would ever wanna admit in a public place that she's failing. Therefore if I have the blog to brag about all the exercise and healthy food and fun, then why should I not wanna use it. Hopefully this blog is gonna help me stay on track :).
The seemingly weird name of the blog has its explanation as well. Plaisir and Jouisance are words I read about the other week that made me think. They're both in French, the first one - Plaisir representing an action that is made to conform with something, the pleasure of conforming. Jouisance, on the other hand represents the pleasure of rebellion, of not conforming and aren't those two the main moving forces in life..For me they are anyway. Sadly more jouisance than plaisir, but im working on it :).

So this blog is gonna be about me, from me, to whomever it may concern. It is probably going to be about the tiredness after spending 3 hours in the gym, the pleasures of a simple morning jog and porridge with strawberry jam, the days when its raining and I (would) do anything to not leave my apartment, the weird and funny books I'm reading or have just read or planning to read, about dresses and nice weathers and boys and chocolate cakes and broccoli. Or it might be about something completely different, who knows...Life is an adventure, isn't it?:P

All the best