Today was a healthy body-healthy mind day. Woke up, had a glass of juice and a banana and went to gym for 1,5 hours. I rowed 5km under 23 minutes, which is awfully good for me :). ...but as we all know it's all about pulling with your body mass, so that might be the reason and if thats the case, I'd better not brag about it :/. So thats what I did for the first half an hour. After that some swimmers came and asked what I'm doing (my gym is for professional sportsmen..I guess I didnt look all that professional with all them machines and weights) and if I'd like them to show me a couple of fun exercises. So I had the coolest and most educating workout ever :). After that I had a shower, some sports drink and a small lunch and went to the library - borrowed a book about how CIA and FBI and organisations work, a fashion book from 1960's :D, a story about Gucci family and some DVD's to fill my forever-lasting vacation. That done, I decided that the moment to visit Aarhus' almost only sightseeing place has finally arrived and visited Aros. That's an amazing art museum with a funny little rainbow-thing on top. It was all so amazing, I could spend days there. In the museum I mean, in the rainbow-thing I guess it'd get kinda lonely and cold. And so I did - get lonely and cold and tired as well, so I decided to bike home. Passed by a grocery shop in the way and couldnt resist buying a nut-chocolate (I did buy some more reasonable things as well). And so when I finally arrived home after being away for 6 hours, I was sooo hungry and tired. It took me 10 minutes to chop some cabage, carrots and potatoes, 30 to boil them wile having a shower and a cup of hot coffee and another 10 to eat myself so enjoyably full and drink a cup of tea :). After doing all that I wanted to brush my teeth but had run out of toothpaste, so I figured I'll borrow some from the neighbor. ..but then I got all freaked out as his nice and always smiling and being cool to me and how can I go and be like 'hey im this girl who doesnt notice when she's running out of toothpaste so could I have some of yours..' :D and I decided not to go. BUT amazingly I had that whole chocolate in my bag, so I went behind his door and presented him with a great opportunity to change his toothpaste for this amazing bar of chocolate. He laughed and agreed. It's amazing what chocolate makes people do..:)
And now here I am. Sitting in my, nice smelling, full and lazy :). Gonna put on a DVD with Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts and Philip S Hoffman and hope its gonna be as good as the cover looks like. And if what..I've got nothing better to do anyway :). And to make it educating and good for me, Im even gonna have Danish subtitles under :).
Hope you'll all have fun, I know I will :)
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