Tuesday, 24 January 2012


I've been thinking for a while about starting a new blog in English. As it is a beginning of a new year with all those promises to keep and my best friend/roommate just moved out for good so I dont have anything better to do anyway, then why not now. About the new year's promises...I only had one actually, but it is a big one..I promised that from this year forward I am never ever gonna have an unhealthy lifestyle again. So far so good with it, but I think I could use some motivation. And who would ever wanna admit in a public place that she's failing. Therefore if I have the blog to brag about all the exercise and healthy food and fun, then why should I not wanna use it. Hopefully this blog is gonna help me stay on track :).
The seemingly weird name of the blog has its explanation as well. Plaisir and Jouisance are words I read about the other week that made me think. They're both in French, the first one - Plaisir representing an action that is made to conform with something, the pleasure of conforming. Jouisance, on the other hand represents the pleasure of rebellion, of not conforming and aren't those two the main moving forces in life..For me they are anyway. Sadly more jouisance than plaisir, but im working on it :).

So this blog is gonna be about me, from me, to whomever it may concern. It is probably going to be about the tiredness after spending 3 hours in the gym, the pleasures of a simple morning jog and porridge with strawberry jam, the days when its raining and I (would) do anything to not leave my apartment, the weird and funny books I'm reading or have just read or planning to read, about dresses and nice weathers and boys and chocolate cakes and broccoli. Or it might be about something completely different, who knows...Life is an adventure, isn't it?:P

All the best

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