Monday, 30 April 2012

Long time no writing

The university as in going to classes every day is done now until next September. All the exams are done, the weather is nice and I have a whole week free before starting my work placement next week. As I've already written, I am going to work with a trainer who strength-trains Denmark's elite athletes and does all the training for some throwers (shot putting and discus throwing). There are so many different sportsmen from different kinds of sports, so I learn a lot about different lifestyles and nutritional challenges. As well about all the necessary muscles for different kinds of sports and ways to train them; plus about how to be a coach of professional sportsmen. On the same time I also want to be a good example and am therefore training myself as well. I am so looking forward for the work placement to start.
I have also signed myself up for Aarhus half-marathon on the 3 June and am training and waiting for that :).
The stressors of the month are work ( to be able to keep up working besides my work placement and training) and Danish classes, for what I really really need to do a lot at home and attend the classes without any excuse not to go. What makes it very difficult to me is that by now I can easily read, write and understand Danish, my only problem is speaking it, as it apparently sounds more like Norwegian or Swedish than Danish. But I'm really fine with the level I'm at - as long as I can reply in English I can communicate and everyone here understand English, so..there's not much motivation to do all the work I have to to be able to sound normal in it.  Plus the Danish classes are like basic school - we learn history, politics, laws, society, famous people, art and so on and so on.
And then I have decided to lose weight. I made an agreement with myself that I am only allowed to lose one kilo in a week, no more and no less. I've been doing it for three weeks now and so far so good :). I'll write more about that soon. Right now I need to go rollerskating and then to the gym :).
I've been also thinking/writing a little about different ways to loose weight and how to be healthy, I'll post that soon too.

Have fun! :)

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