Thursday, 28 February 2013

Skinny bitches and fat cows

Oh my god. 

Is it okay that even social activities and surroundings are according to the weight class? Body weight is so important that we don’t even look at the individuals inside and purely judge based on weight. Are we developing two opposing cultures – cultures of bodyweight?

Bigger people have separate parties, training sessions, meetings and fashion shows, just because the others make them feel not normal and bad, to “hate themselves” . It is almost like a war – people against people, fighting over the right to feel good about themselves.  I think just because there is more of them, and because the rich and successful people we usually hear about in social media, are amongst them; plus that they have authorities like doctors and health politics and fashion industry “backing them up”, the skinny ones are “winning” – dominating in the world, and it is a social norm to be skinny or normal weight. It is viewed as better, more right.

That also might be due to the different personality traits people of different weight classes usually have.  Whereas (going to the extremes) anorexic people usually have very high self-control and they are always trying to control things, feel  positive, doing the right thing, people with bulimia or binge eating disorder (overeating with or without compensating) tend to be more impulsive, have lower self control and usually feel that their behaviour is wrong. Then it’s only logical that the skinny ones are dominating. They feel happy and in control, and looking down on fat people makes them feel even more so. Overeaters, on the other hand, are more vulnerable and already in doubts about their behaviour. Also, it is not so easy to look down on fit people – they seem so happy and successful, in control, because we also live in a society where fit=beautiful=good. In a way body says everything about one’s physical characteristics and level of beauty, but also who one is inside.

But if the body is such a big part of the whole individual, then how come or why, does everyone else seem to have so much right to say how it should look or be? In the end, it is one’s own body. It IS oneself. So shouldn’t the decision of how it should look also be one’s own?  After all, we don’t go around promoting other individual characteristics like “happy is good, be more happy” (at least not so much after the hippies :D), making angry people feeling bad about themselves and even more angry. And we don’t have a “angry tax” or things like that. Somehow, it is only the body weight, that seems to be such a public interest.

I don’t know how to conclude this here. Are the cultures going to separate even more? Is it gonna be better? Worse? Is okay as it is?
I think we should just remember that body, beauty and personality are not all just one thing, and that people are not all similar nor can we divide them into precise categories. Just like beauty, health comes in all shapes and sizes. Maybe we should all cool down a little bit on that topic and, once again, remember that mental health is also health. Maybe the big people should think consider if the discrimination in society really is that big or is it them experiencing and making it feel so; and by distancing themselves from people with smaller bodyweights, only making it a problem? And people of normal weight and good health should just continue what they’re doing but not turn so much attention to it? It’s like “being healthy” is an activity now, a thing to do. And apparently even such a big thing to do that sometimes it can cause so much stress that the amount of physical and psychological stress diminishes the benefits it would have and should have, making “being healthy” unhealthy. (I’ll write more on that some other time)

We spend so much time and effort on focusing on our bodies, that we don’t have the time to look around ourselves and see other people (like myself writing in last year concluding post that maybe I trained so much that I didn’t really leave enough time for my friends). We focus on ourselves and bodyweight and get stressed and depressed (“hating myself”), angry and are not nice to each other.
We should be friendly, happy and healthy instead. And maybe just a little bit hippie.
At least I am.
J :D

Happy Thursday, everyone, have a nice weekend and be nice ;)


Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Wintersleep ended


I'm sorry there has been zero posts posted this year. I think I did fall to winter sleep. And I have been working on a post or a couple, but I am not quite sure what I think of these things yet and didn't want to write another confusing little thing. So I kept on waiting to make up my mind or conclude the thoughts so I could make statements. That's still not done, so I'll just post a little update meanwhile.

What's been going on:
First there was New Years Eve. That was cool.
Then there was a little bit time to kind of get started with the year, and begin to train more again after the celebrations. Then  on week 3 I had a 1-week-exam and I was working on the same time too. So there was very little sleep and training, very strange schedule and eating patterns and kind of low self-esteem not being sure if the exam, that was the cause of all these things, was even turning out good or not really.
Strange, but very true, that there is such a big difference between knowing what and how to do and actually doing it. I always keep talking about babysteps and taking things easy..But I think what happened was, that even though I made no new-years resolutions, I still planned to train and eat well and be very good at everything in 2013, and then when the exam came and took up all the time, even though just for a week, I already felt like a failure and lost the motivation. For everything.
Then week 4 was all free from school, just work. So while I was not at work, I felt like relaxing after that crazy exam week. Probably because of the loss of motivation for other stuff, I really enjoyed staying home, watching movies and reading books, or going out with friends and being so tired afterwards that stayed home some more and read some more books. I did take walks and stuff as well, but other than that no training. And I was also trying to figure out where to do my work placement (the part that I am not doing in Estonia) and what masters degree I would like to take. But that seemed confusing and stressful as well.

Then the school started again and I was really looking forward to it. I also started running again and going to the gym at school. However, it wasn't quite as cool as I expected. School schedule was like 2 days at school, 5 off, 1 at school 3 off; first my knee, then my hip started hurting from running so I couldn't run anymore and then it was, again, just working and doing that internshipfinding thing (sitting by my computer checking facebook every two minutes :/) . I was also applying for jobs. But getting back these "no thanks but good luck searching for something else" - e-mails was not fun either. So it seemed that if there's no school, no training and just working, then I can at least spend time with friends. The problem is, that if I am not happy about myself I usually feel in a way being bad for my friends as well.

But what was really cool at that time was that me and my brother were writing this book for my mum for her birthday. We wrote down some funny childhood memories and added photos and made it to a real book. My mum was so happy :).

When the book was done, I traveled to Estonia for a week. That was soooo good :). Seeing my family and friends, just chilling in my mother's nice apartment, being at home, mum's was SO good. :). And mother know's what's good for children - I got my mum's prettiest bag that I have been in love with forever.

So now I'm back in Denmark and feel all motivated, happy and as if I can do anything and everything, having that bag.
I got a very good grade for the exam, found a new job, or even two, have been doing well on my cross-fit machine imitating running but trying to save the hip, to get better, and I even have school about 4 times a week now. I know it might sound geeky, but it is much much better than two.

I like spring and life and everything that comes with it :).
The post I mentioned, I've been working on, is about stress and health and mental health, the world and society, and about me. It will be posted soon, no stress :)

So far, have fun and go outside, it's nice :)
I'll go to my new work now :P