According to Pierre Bordieu, body is something more than just our physical body. It is a bearer of status and symbolic value, it is our "physical capital". The "more valuable" the physical capital of a person, the easier it is to convert it to other types of capital like cultural or social capital.
Therefore can body ideals be seen as what is recognized as the highest form of physical capital in our society.
Bordieu's economic way of thinking and seeing every social act directed to maximizing economic and symbolic profit fits well with the modern Western society, which could be said to be directed towards the same things.
However, Bordieu's work has much to do with French class-based society. As social classes are not as important in contemporary Western society, Richard Jenkin's notion on differences between "groups" and "categories" could be more suitable. That basically states that in order to identify ourselves we have to say something about the others. We say who we are trough who we are not. Therefore we categorize others. However, similarity to other people is at least as important. Therefore - a difference between groups and categories. Memebers of groups are aware of their membership and who and what the group is. Categorization, however, is only dependent on the categorizer and often more relevant to him than the one who is being categorized.
Group membership in itself can have a great influence on individual's behaviour and enough to discriminate against other groups.
Group membership in itself can have a great influence on individual's behaviour and enough to discriminate against other groups.
The many "stakeholders" of an individuals body in our society, keep on making associations between leanness (thin women, strong men), beauty, good personality, high moral and ethical value and good citicens.
And one's social worth is continuoslly evaluated based on one's ability to resist excess. In times of plenty, smaller bodies are idealised, when food is scarce, however, a larger body is idealised.
And one's social worth is continuoslly evaluated based on one's ability to resist excess. In times of plenty, smaller bodies are idealised, when food is scarce, however, a larger body is idealised.
Therefore, the most valuable physical capital in modern Western Society is a lean body.
In order to be categorized as, or seen as a member of the "healthy"-pretty-good-responsible people, AND maximize the chances of earning all kinds of profits in one's life, one could feel pressured to conform to body ideals. And as the theory sais, discriminate against the ones who are not.
However, an appearance releated goal, especially, when the goal is unhealthily skinny or muscular, (we see that types of bodies in commercials and magazines, so it is possible to have a body like that, right?), can make the outcome more important than our health. Diet and exercise might turn into a simple means to reach the goal appearance.
Eating disorders, exercise dependence, yo-yo dieting, stigmatization of obesity - they are all unhealthy conditions with serious outcomes, and they all have been associated with internalization of the pressure to be thin/muscular etc.
However, by conforming to those ideals, we reproduce them in the society: by buying beauty/diet products for example, we increase their demand on the market; by behaving in a way to reach the goal, we make that behaviour more present. Therefor we increase the pressure to conform with the same ideal for other people in the society and a reciprocal circle forms.
Therefore, both public health campaigns and individual lifestyle councelling should be used in health promotion.
Health professionals should also avoid making decisions about one's health based on his appearnace, promote a healthy body and focus on it's functions and performance, and turn more attention to how we form different health-advises and recommendations, not to always associate fat with bad health and leanness with good. Instead, we could focus on decreasing body fat %, increasing muscle mass (up to a limit), VO2 max, percieved quality of life, decreased stress etc.
And remember that health, just like beauty, comes in all shapes and sizes. :)
That was pretty much that. And I really enjoyed writing it :).
However, an appearance releated goal, especially, when the goal is unhealthily skinny or muscular, (we see that types of bodies in commercials and magazines, so it is possible to have a body like that, right?), can make the outcome more important than our health. Diet and exercise might turn into a simple means to reach the goal appearance.
Eating disorders, exercise dependence, yo-yo dieting, stigmatization of obesity - they are all unhealthy conditions with serious outcomes, and they all have been associated with internalization of the pressure to be thin/muscular etc.
However, by conforming to those ideals, we reproduce them in the society: by buying beauty/diet products for example, we increase their demand on the market; by behaving in a way to reach the goal, we make that behaviour more present. Therefor we increase the pressure to conform with the same ideal for other people in the society and a reciprocal circle forms.
Therefore, both public health campaigns and individual lifestyle councelling should be used in health promotion.
Health professionals should also avoid making decisions about one's health based on his appearnace, promote a healthy body and focus on it's functions and performance, and turn more attention to how we form different health-advises and recommendations, not to always associate fat with bad health and leanness with good. Instead, we could focus on decreasing body fat %, increasing muscle mass (up to a limit), VO2 max, percieved quality of life, decreased stress etc.
And remember that health, just like beauty, comes in all shapes and sizes. :)
That was pretty much that. And I really enjoyed writing it :).