Actually I haven't signed up yet. The last day to sign up is the 31st of May and it won't get any more expensive, so I figured that just in case I see how the training goes and then make my decision. I wasn't planning to run at all. But then some friends of mine asked if I would like to run in their company's clothes, that I'd get to keep. And nothing better than new clothes for free, right? :)
But. Here I am, doing that again. :).
Anyway. Somewhere in the end of April I started to do more endurance training. But as my schedule was so tight already, the only way to fit more training in, was to start sleeping less. And honestly..then..being out of shape and tired and running these 10-12km on hard ground..ugh. It wasn't nice. and it actually made me quite misrable. And physical activity, that is supposed to reduce stress and give you more energy and make you more happy and all, ended up being a huge stressor. I lost the motivation but didn't want to admit it.
Besides that the days got warmer and warmer, so I also had to be sweaty and red :/.
..Completely understand the people who associate physical activity with bwing tired and sweaty and that it's difficult and not cool. :/
But once I realized that that's what I feel, I also realized, that it's actually not like me to feel like that. So I must be doing something wrong.
Exercising is not ment to be hard or boring. Of course, sometimes you might push yourself to the limits, but that's the cool part :P.
So I decided to forget about all this planned boring training, and decided that if my body gets enough of any kind of training and enough rest, it will be fine.
And I returned to my favorite kind of traing - cross-running (if that can be a word :D). I jog to a nearby forest, start the time, and then spend an hour running up and down the hills, jumping over random stuff, going fast and going slow. The only rule is that I can't walk. If I run uphill and get so tired that I can't take no more, then I have to run sideways or down, until I'm ready to try again. And when an hour has passed, then I jog the 6-7km back home.
The thing is - once I have been running with a pulse around 200bpm, uphill from a hill with ca 60-70 degrees angle; then running with a pulse around 160-170bpm and long slow hills of ca 45 degrees really ain't nothing but a peanut (as the guys from the gym would say :)). And by the end I have spend the amount of time with quite simliar pulse to what I think it's going to be in the half-marathon.
The cool part is, with that kind of training, that it is so challenging. and rewarding. I'm the kind of girl who just can't say no to a challenge. I remember, my brother used to use it when I was small - whenever he wanted me to do something I didn't want to do, then he only had to call it a competition or be like "I bet you can't do it", and I would be doing it immediately.
Now, that I run in the hills and find one, that I just cant get up from with the first try, and feel almost passing out, when I finally do, then later, when I see the same hill again, it looks like a challenge. It is there and I just can't not try again. And just not to "lose", I always manage it way better. The second time is easy :).
Love it.
I guess the point of this post is to remind everyone, that being physically active and exercising, doesn't need to be hard and difficult. It can be, if you want, but it's not a must. It should just be on a suitable level - challenging, interesting, something you really like and what makes you happy. And you don't need to be passing out by the end (but again, you can if you want ;D), instead you should be looking forward to the next time. It should be fun :)
like that
That was that. Now I shall return to writing my last assignment - a Marketing Plan for a private nutrition counselling business in about 10 years in Estonia. Oh it's cool to dream :). (and run :))
Have fun!
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