Wednesday, 15 May 2013

loves of my life

..are these c.e.p compression leg sleeves.
I bought them about two weeks ago and have been using them mostly for running, but also in strength training.
Basically, the compression is supposed to increase blood circulation, thereby supporting the muscles and helping them to recover faster.
I bought them, because I had heard and read so much good about them from people who are using them, also from people who have problems with shins like I have. And, obviously, because you could get them in pink :). (I actually had to go trough three shops to get the pink ones :/. ...and then my teacher made fun of them as soon as I showed up with them to school's weight room :D)
I didn't know if it is just placebo the people are feeling, or is there a scientific reason why they could work. Personally, I don't care, as long as it works, it's fine.
But why they could work is
-obviously compression increases blood circulation that increases the speed and therefore amount of blood and nutrients moving to and from the muscles. Therefore the increased working capacity and faster recovery statement.
Even if the compression from the c.e.p. leg sleeves dont, in reality, result in physiologically noticable benefits,( I am not saying that it doesn't, just there is no scientific studies) at least it keeps the legs warm, so we can feel the "difference".
Also, while running, there's a lot of damage to the muscles and bones caused by the shock and vibration in the legs. These leg sleeves, however, support the muscles and keep them "in place", thereby preventing the wear and tear.

And my own "logical" explanaition for shin splints: if the treatment is R.I.C.E (rest, ice, compress, elevate) - and it helps in the R and C, then it already does 50% of the treatment, kind of for me, and therefore it must be good for my shins....:D, riiight?

So for me they work, as I have decided to believe that they do. I can feel their effect and can run longer, faster and more often than I used to. And I still haven't even noticed my shin pains. Just like in love in general, I believe, my love is the best and works the best. And it makes me happy :). (or is it all the running I'm doing :), don't care :)).

But. Right now I'm at school and can't really focus on writing. I hate when teachers let you read some long texts and then when you afterwards go to the class, would just repeat everything the book said and nothing else. I find it unfair and it makes me feel being made fun of. They use my time on common-sense-like-texts TWICE. uuuurghhhh. And if I'd skip the class I would feel bad, as I'm not doing what I am supposed to do.
I know it's just my little nerdish selfish me being disappointed, but then again, I also think that it is a basic respect thing not to waste other peoples time.

I stop before I go helt amok ;D

more about c.e.p. products:

(there's going to be a big fight in my class in max 5 minutes, everyone's going crazy and angry :O)

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