Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Less like whining ( I told you I'm moody :D)

After writing the last post I sat down in my bed and started reading because I had a headache and I felt bad and I couldn't possibly study anything if Im feeling like that and my body was tired and it probably just needed a little rest and I had to figure out what to eat for dinner that wouldnt make me feel any more sick and it was already something like almost 3pm, so maybe I needed a nap before dinner and...and so on and so on and so on.
And then I suddenly realized that it's myself that makes me all so sick. I felt lazy, big, soft and stupid, having no better entertainment than reading a book, being sick and thinking of the dinner I didnt wanna have. The thing is, if  you're hungry you wanna eat, and if you're not then you dont wanna eat, so I probably wasnt just hungry enough. And when I realized how am I coping (or how was I NOT coping) with everything, I suddenly got the sickest sick ever.
For me being sad is being egoistic. I'm not like an optimist or anything, but good and interesting things just usually happen to me. And then if I wanna be sad, I take this really egoistic point of view and just exclude all the cool parts of life that are around me and just start focusing on what's wrong. I dont think of the cool new things I learned in school today AFTER I got up and went there, or what it actually is I need to do as homework, I just know I dont feel well enough to do my homework, I dont wanna get out of bed, not that I'd be thinking of WHY I'm getting out and that that's actually what I want, and I know I dont want to work out, without thinking WHY it actually is that I do work out and WHAT working out means (as in all my favorite moves and feeling fine and lookign good afterwards..).
Blökk, and my bed was kind of unmade and the kitchen was a mess - not like dirty dishes cause I hadnt been eating or making anything but like peals of grapefruit, three grapes, half eaten apple etc lying around in random places. And that really was the moment when enough is enough.
As I still had my exercising clothes on from school, I just put my running shoes on too, grabbed my bag, took my bike and biked to the gym. One thing I've probably learned from my brother: Biking fast = smiling. If you're not smiling, you're just not going fast enough. So I went REALLY fast. And smiled :). Parked my bike, took my bag inside and went out running - Oh I ran like..I dont know what. It actually didnt feel all that nice but I did it anyway. I ran uphill and downhill, fast and slow, jumped over things, balanced on a piece of wood over a lake, ran more and more and I even climbed a tree and made a cartwheel. Then I went inside and made squats until I couldnt, and then I realized I still have the exercise program we made in school in my bag and I could try it out, so I did, and not just the program but all the exercises we brainstormed before that to come up wioth the best programme. And I saw so many people I know and we worked out together and they helped me to figure out and improve exercises (I really wanted to find a way to do back exercises when you're very obese, because it started interesting be. And we found a solution :))
And then I was tired.
I was so tired that I smiled. I was physically tired and mentally fine. And then I thought of raspberry milkshake. :D. Just out of nowhere, I thought of it. And then I thought of cream cheese. And I wasnt sick at all. So I biked back home, all the way uphill, went to Fakta to buy raspberries, milk and cream cheese, came home, had a shower, made my homework, had dinner, fixed my eyebrows, polished my nails, enjoyed the kitchen I cleaned before biking to gym, made lunch for tomorrow and then now made little drawings of exercises for Friday and it's not half as easy for me to draw the exercises on a piece of paper than it is to come up with them, put them in a row or to make them myself. So I found drawing them so amusing that I laughed out loud to myself of myself :D. And I still do if I look at them drawings (probably Friday, when we're using them in school,  is gonna train a lot of people's abdomen :D)

So Im fine now. I feel awful about feeling the things that made me write the last post and publish it, but I guess I need it to know with what to compare now and understand how good things actually are. And I hope Im not gonna feel like this ever again. And that if I will (and its porbably more of a 'when') I'll think of the post here and be smart enough to stop whining and do something. It's so much better to like yourself :) (even if you're too physically tired to actually feel it..:))

It's my birthday in two weeks. I can't wait :). I know what dress Im gonna wear and how my hair is gonna be :P. (I dont know yet what I'll be doing, hih :))
And here's my menu (bad, baaad example):

No breakfast, biking to school,
1 h of physical activity class
half of a bun with slice of cheese, tea
Lunch: walked around in the canteen thinking of puree soup, tuna sandwich, salad, lentils, ryebread with stuff on it. Tunasandwich one but never came to eating it.
Instead had a big bowl of muesli at home, with cacao, as I didnt have milk so I used the powder of cacao that doesnt need milk but water, because I was sleepy and hungry and then I usually want something sweet and a lot of it :/ and then surprise surprise I felt even more sick :D.
no snacks
dinner: ricecake with cream cheese, peppermint tea :)
milkshake. or actually just plain mashed raspberries with skim-milk. and it was oh so good :).

another 2 cups of peppermint tea and lemon water :).

Oh. And how coool. Yesterday I was at a shop and someone said 'hey coach.' and again. And I didnt react because why should I. And then suddenly someone pushed my head just as we do when we practice, and it was them too guys I know from the gym and who I train with the trainer Im doing my work placement with. Hih :). It is cool, isn't it? :P Sorry...

And my body can do 10 proper push ups while being on toes. Isnt that nice?

conclusion: There's a reason for feeling bad (mentally and physically and often times both), you gotta find it and deal with it (even when you feel to bad to do it).

Mmm..and just now I got an appetite for mushrooms, potatoes, porru/porrer/leek and asparagus. I've never had a dish like that. But Im sure Im gonna make it when I have time to make it. On Saturday :).
And from tomorrow on, im gonna eat on proper times again. I promise. And sleep on proper times.

Have a nice better-half of the week :)


aka crazy stupid student life.
I dont know what it is but I'm completely out of..everything. Ever since I got real busy with the exam I think. it's all been weird. What happened then, I noticed that as soon as I didn't have normal daily patterns I didnt eat normally either. I ended up never doing anything-  waking up in the morning, biking 6km to the library, biking back in the evening, having dinner, maybe including a small run or something, and then staying up late. I hardly ever did anything physical, but I was so so tired all the time. And then as I never went to bed, I wanted to snack all the time. And then I noticed how it is that the later and the more I eat in the evening, the more I want to eat as soon as I wake up. And for example when I (yes i did) ate a bowl of oatmeal with cinnamon and sugar at 23:00, and went to bed at 1:30 then in the morning I could have just as well eat a cookie or candy or a pack of potato chips :/. And I wanted to snack all the time cause it made me feel better, but only WHILE doing it, if I wanst doing it, I wanted to do it or felt really bad because I was full and sick :/.
Then, after handing in t he exam last Wednesday, we  had some classes at the  gym and then had to work on a group exam for this Monday. On the same time I got really really busy working (cleaning houses), didnt get mch sleep and on my free time preferred sleeping to eating, thereby still not getting my rythm back. And still not exercising. I did went rollerskating almost every day plus running on Sunday, but other than that I cant remember when was the last time I did any sports that I put any effort in. And then on Monday I went to school, but was very tired the whole time and after coming back home, just couldnt do anything. So I went to bed where I read a bit, tried to study, took a nap, read a bit more for school and then felt really really sick at 9pm and just went to sleep. When I opened my eyes again it was 2pm Tuesday afternoon.  I didnt feel all that great but a lot better. And I had promised to babysit from 5pm, so I did and felt quite fine. But today again, in the morning I didnt want to go to school, but I still did and now I just keep on feeling bad. And it's such a...Im really out of everything.
I dont have proper eating times, cause I dont feel like eating. Im hungry and want to eat, but when I think of actual things to eat, everything seems to make me sick. And I dont have any exercise patterns either cause I dont feel like doing anything and as it turnes out - I only manage doing sports every day because I want to, apparently I suck at making myself do something I dont wanna do like eating or working out (though I know they might make me feel better) cause it just doesnt seem appealing at all. And is not as if Im being a lazy..whoever :D or whoever, its just that there's nothing I could imagine I wanna do. I dont wanna watch tv, Dont wanna study, dont wanna lsiten to music, dont wanna take a walk, I just feel cold and tired all the time. It's just like puberty :D. And I promise there is not even one thing I could think of. Sorry, but I am being just a moody bitch. I know it and I cant stop it :/. And its really really annoying. (oh I wish I had a horse. I'd wanna go horse riding.)

So. It's the last week of March..or actually, after today there's just three days left and I haven't cheated with anything. I know Im proud of myself and feel good about doing it and Im sure it's gonna make me smile, but I just cannot feel it as I am being the moody one.
Luckily I just have to read one text for school tomorrow and then there's nothing else. Eat at least one more time. And I think im gonna force myself to take a walk later in the evening, just to..come out of this. nothingness, it is oh so annoying. ( I hope im not gonna take a nap instead :D). 
Oh, I shall post my menu as well, right. I'll do that too then :). 

And the most annoying part is, there is one girl in the world who'd know how to handle me right now so I'd be fine within hours and safe for months, but she's so far away :/. And she has a birthday tomorrow :). Joujou and happy birthday. Lennart Meri would have it too :).
I promise Im smiling and thats a progress. And I have a headache. I'll write again when I feel less like whining.  

Sunday, 25 March 2012


Just Sunday menu, ALL the rest will be here tomorrow, I promise :)

Breakfast (+lunchbrunch, cause I slept forever) Mozzarella sandwiches (take two slices of bread, put some pieces of mozzarella in between, cover the upper slice with a bit of egg and put to oven for like 10 min). With tomato and pesto :)
+ a chocolate candy (Kalev (L):):):):))
Lunch: some leftover mix of tomatoes, onion, beans, celery, aubergine, champignons etc..
Dinner: salad of iceberg salad, tomatoes, onion, olives, shrimps, pepper fruit, chilli-flavoured garlic :D and dill. with some yoghurt, mustard and champignons, with roasted white bread.

AND THEN I made my first very own flöddeboller (=whipped egg whites covered with chocolate), but as I've always been the rebel :D one and not following the rules (=recepies) I made them on cookie bottoms, cause I dont like marzipan and made some with cacao and cover some with starwberry chokolate and some with mint chocolate and some with dark and so on and on :D And now they're sitting in my fridge, but Im afraid that not for long ;) :P

Gottalove sundays :)

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

I do not understand drug addicts

If one gram of weed is something like 100dkk, I dont know about other drugs, but they're definitely much more expensive, and 450 grams of fresh strawberries is 15dkk, they have the same effect but are 10000000000000000 times better, why would you ever buy anything else?

Sunday, 18 March 2012

I've both cut down on working out and sleeping and still dont seem to be able to progress well with the exam. There's just so much I'd like to write about, but limited amount of pages so I can only write about the most relevant things. However, Im not sure if Im sure what the most relevant is, as for me everything seems to matter.
So Im not gonna spend a long time writing this post, but just shortly about what I need to do.

The first part of the exam is in Sports Nutrition, where we have this imaginary 19-year-old-basketball-playing William, who's now on some great team and needs to gain 5kg. We have  his typical diet and exercise patterns and then need to evaluate the diet, the energy expenditure and supplements his taking and planning to take.
The next part is Organizational Management where it's more about business. We have four different fitness centers in UK, that we need to compare with scandinavian centers and their development and make an organizational analysis on. Then elaborate about their future, the challenges their likely to face, how to overcome them and what strategy to take.

For me it's not difficult to write those things at all, but what's difficult, is finding references from all the material we've went trough. It's like..I can remember wvwerything we have talked about and know what I think and why, but as Im not a significant genius for now, I cant write that something is, cause I say so. And its sooooo annoying knowing what you wanna say but needing to find someone else, who's smart and said it before, so you could repeat. aaargh.
Right now Im still doing the William-part, but getting kind of ready with it. But I cannot wait to get to the organizational part as that is, in my opinion so much easier. It even made me think if I shouldn't have learned some business thing as well, as it's so much easier for me to grasp and to elaborate on, and I could have health as my hobby and so and so..but no. It's so much more boring and easy doesnt make it any more appealing. Sports nutrition is much more difficult and I really have to work hard and my head hurts and eyes cant see and brain cant function have the time cause im trying so hard, but it's so interesting I cant and dont wanna stop and it's so cool to learn all those things.


I got my job back and there's so many other really cool things I'd wanna write about, but gotta go back to back action and write the paper instead.

As it's Sunday I'll post my menu:
(I have no idea why Im doing it as I've lost all my interest in making an effort so the menu would look really healthy in here; it's nothing like a example menu of a balanced meal and it doesn't come with any analysis. But if you cant be bothered thinking about why, just go with the flow. Isnt that what most of us do anyway..)

Breakfast: oatmeal with almonds, banana, dried cherries and cinnamon
12:00 Mached vegetables with cream cheese, beetroot and ricecake
15:00 Cottage cheese, tomato, lettuce, boiled egg.
Chocolate/somethingsomething cake on cookie bottom (me with the cake again :D)
16:30 pear
18:30 ( I have no idea but as i dont think I have time to cook) puree soup again with natural yogurt,  walnuts and bread. Maybe some Estonian candies, that Mum sent :):).

Btw. I can do 10 push-ups. Easy
(not really. easy. but still)

Thursday, 15 March 2012

"Deal with it or don't do it."

For all those who are constantly 'being on a diet' or wanting to lose weight and seem to never get there.
The best article I've read all March. And this one's in English.

I'm doing fine. I know yesterday was a Wednesday and I didnt post my menu, but I'm gonna do it so that one week its a Wednesday and the next one it's a Sunday.
Started with a week-long-exam yesterday and this crazy student life has now reached a point where, in order to get a grade that'd be acceptable for me, I either need to cut down on working out, big time, or cut down on sleeping :/. Neither of them sounds too tempting. Especially that I just on Thursday started with a new exercise programme in gym and really wanna master it as I suck right now and get tired less than half way through :D. Plus I read my previous posts last Sunday and it reminded me, that the push up goal was 10 by the end on March, 20 by the end on April. Starting from 0.  However, even though I was convinced that my body just isnt physiologically able to do a push-up when Im on my toes, one day I managed to do one. And then it wasnt difficult at all anymore. Right now I can do 6, almost 7, but the seven doesnt look as if :D. So I think 10 by the end of March is realistic. But the 20..I might have to lower that..but I'm not gonna do it unless it becomes obvious that it's too much. Obviously to do that I need to work out hard, and write the exam fast = not blog forever. So here I go :).

Btw. I got fired from one of my jobs yesterday cause I didn't wanna marry the guy I worked for.


Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Such a cool article I just saw (in Estonian, Im sorry), about 25 eating tricks :D from different countries

Tuesday, 13 March 2012


Today in Aarhus was so warm, that it reminded me all those times I walked home from school in my hometown Kärdla and wanted to take my jacket off, because it was sun was shining and how everything always was so good and nice. And if it would be that warm in Estonia now, my friend Kersti would definitely be at least half-nigga by now :D. Oh it was nice.
And then I went running with my shorts and a T-shirt and a hoody and wasnt cold. I love the feeling when you've been prettyu much doing nothing for ever and just eating a lot of calories (like the cake yesterday) and then you can run forever and it feels like flying. or you feel like a rocket. And never get tired. So I ran for two hours because it was so cool. And then made food and had a shower and made my homework and blablabla and it's still light outside. Gottalove :).

As sun is such a great source of vitamin D and so many people are low on vitamin D, I was looking for an inspiring article, to make you all wanna go outside and expose at least your face and arms to the sun to get enough vitamin D, but as it has so many different roles, I couldnt pick any specific article, but you can see loads of good ones here:
and a scientific one here:

Uuuh. Another big benefit of the sun - pretty boys are gonna start playing football under my window :):):). I told you gottalove :).
So everyone, if it's warm enough, leave your gloves home, pull your sleeves up and go out. You'll feel so much better :)

Monday, 12 March 2012

My Oh My

As a bad example I'm gonna write down my todays menu and I promise I'm not lying. 

Breakfast: oatmeal with cinnamon
Snack: piece of beancake - amazing protein cake by my classmate Josephine :)
Lunch: some other really really good cake with loads of butter and almonds in it with fruits
Snack: small portion of rice noodles with mushroom, onion, beans, tomatoes; almonds and fruits from the same cake
Snack: Ryebread from bakery with a lot of different seeds
Dinner: Two pieces of white bread with strawberry jam, the-almond-cake; peppermint tea

Done  :D. And I have no idea how it so happened, cake just kept coming from everywhere. And I actually had a piece of my own homemade apple cake with me in my lunchbox the whole day cause I thought I'm gonna have a nice start to the week and give myself something nice. Apparently so did everyone else.
And now I put all the things into this diet program (its estonian but really good) and the result was almost 2500kcal with 37% of fat of which saturated 11%; compared to my normal ca 1500-2000kcal and now its eleven o clock in the evening and Im so hungry. Its usually never like that though I dont eat after six. Usually I have this nice light feeling before going to bed, that Im not too full, but I cant fall asleep when Im so hungry I can feel it all the time :/. So now I just made a cup of peppermint tea and gonna drink it to feel fine for a while and try to fall asleep as fast as possible :D.
I can relate to how people get fat. I really can. 

Good night. 

Summary #2

By now I think I have completely got into the habit of not eating meat. I haven't thought about it forever and I haven't been making any food I couldnt eat. I dont focus so much on my protein intake anymore and now it seems to be fine again :). I feel so good and have a lot of energy.
Mondays now actually are the days where I have the most energy and I'm really rested and ready for the whole week as apparently all I do in the weekends is resting :). But I think I need to go out at least once before March ends and I have to make it a rule because otherwise I'll just keep hiding from the difficult situations at home. Maybe. Because I can imagine it being pretty hard going out and drinking juice or cofee or coke while others are drinking alcohol and getting more and more drunk and funny and gonna start smoking and then go crab a sharwarma or something. On the other hand I'm not sure if its actually a difficult situation or is it just..pointless. And annoying. Because why would I join people doing something if I dont wanna do it myself. Whatever. Im gonna go out and try (it's not like I have never done it before :D).
But it is so weird how the world is (or is it just my brain again). For example we had this party at my dorm on Friday. And around 1am I heard my doorbell, but I was too sleepy to understand what or where it is or what shall I do, so I didnt do anything. And then again at 3am, but when I finally reached the door there was noone there. And then again at 6 when I finally woke up, opened the door and there was loads of my neighbors all in proper party mood asking why was I asleep and not partying and telling me what a great party it had been. And then yesterday I went to ask the sauna key from another of my neighbours and he asked me as well why hadnt I been at the party and I really didnt know. For me it was..I saw the poster but I didnt even think of going there as I knew Im not drinking. And isnt that weird. As it was just in my building I could have gone and chatted with people and danced, but no, i didnt even come to my mind.
But I promise to go out next weekend. I think I even know where to and with who :).

But so far so good, Im doing great and feel amazing! :)

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Cheesy Sunday

Sunday menu (Oh I ate a lot of cheese :D)

Breakfast at 12:30
two fried eggs, 2 pieces of ryebread, 1 tomato, 1 slice of american cheese, yogurt and almonds.
Lunch 14:30
steamed cauliflower, frozen vegetable mix and potatoes covered with cheese. Beetroot, champignons and natural yogurt
Dinner 19:00
puree made of potato, carrot and cauliflower, with cheese and a piece of ryebread with cheese :D. :D:D:D.
homemade applepie :)
Snack after sauna watching a movie: grapes, applepie, peppermint tea :) yum.
Im so sleepy. goodnight :)

Friday, 9 March 2012

Why I love running

Running is something I've always been doing and probably will always do (ok, lets exclude the both ends of life where it's likely  to be impossible). For me it's like the most right feeling ever. I love how first your heart starts bumping faster and your whole body gets warm. Once warmed up it's almost ridiculously cool to run faster and slower and uphill and downhill. Running makes me do things I'd usually never do. It makes the things that are usually considered inappropriate suddenly seem perfectly fine. For example when walking down the street with my friends I'd never jump into a bush just because I can. But when running, if I just get this idea ' oh such a cool forest, I wanna run there', I can just turn off the road and run in the middle of nothing, jumping over branches, rocks, fallen trees, run as fast as you can, just jog and watch the nature find a small river and run through it, because you're all hot and dirty and enjoying it anyway and as I said inappropriate things are suddenly fine so people wont look at you weird if your dirty when you have your running clothes on.
With practising sports in general it's like, in my opinion, it lets you free, its like being a kid can use your creativity and do whatever comes to your head, jump onto/off/over random things, do (or attempt) chin-ups on branches of trees, standing on something completely random and unbalanced doing a squat, falling on your ass and just laughing cause its so dumb and you really wanna do it again..ooh it's amazing :).
I think gyms are just playgrounds adjusted for grown-ups = made 'appropriate'= boring and without colors and random things just so you for God sake wouldn't have to think or use your creativity. But it is so cool to do it. And for me, for example, there is no problem I couldn't 'run away' from. The thing with running and working out and trying different things is, that a body can often do what you wouldn't expect from it. People, at least in Europe, are so used to thinking less of themselves than they actually are. But then you do something, for example run, and get so surprised how ell your body can keep on running for example 10 minutes. And then suddenly for 20. And 60. And out of nowhere the distance that took you 30 minutes to run, only takes 22 and you see how nice and cool your body is, you yourself are. And realize that all this (in lack of a better word) shit around you is just a passing thing and it's nothing you couldn't handle, because you now know that your body and your self are just fine and keep getting better and better :).
Being friends with yourself and your body, I hope, (I believe it's probably scientifically proved as well as it makes such sense), makes people not to see their body as an ugly enemy and not to treat it with a'la 'starve now body, you're fat and ugly, you don't deserve food' - type weightloss things nor stuffing it with all kinds of fatty and sugary and salty (or just 'any kind') of food just because you can. I think feeling good about yourself makes you wanna do good for your self and just provide the best - the most beneficial things.

..and getting them good things makes you feel great and run faster :P. So it's like a dead circle but an alive one. A very very alive one. That is why I love running.
Plus you can always turn it into a social activity and run together with all the people you like. Or away from the ones you don't, for that matter :D. But it is a nice way to spend time with you're loved ones - including yourself.

I do miss mom and horses too. Already forever . So: "Me and my mom after finishing a marathon ":) :

All the best, 

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Wednesday 07.03.2012 menu

I almost forgot about my promise to post every Wednesday and Sunday menu here. And I almost forgot it was Wednesday. But here it is

Breakfast: bun with strawberry jam
10:00 (after spinning class and biking to school): muesli bar, apple, ricecake with cheese (a so fatty one, that it tastes disgusting and you can smell it as well :(, that's the only one we have at school :/ )
Lunch (for lazy poor people who rather sleep than cook): carrots and celery  
14:00: ryebread and tomato
Dinner: vegetable soup, tomato, mozzarella, homemade pesto, crisp bread
21:00 (after workout): meal replacement drink with protein and carbs, 200kcal per serving.

..and once again, I've been eating too much protein - it keeps on happening ever since March started, it never happened before, although the main source of protein in one's diet is meat :/
I guess it's good that I forgot that I should post it, because I'm sure I would have made more effort eating if I'd known I have to publish it :D.
As well it's notable that I had that meal replacement drink. I usually never have them, because it seems kind of stupid to sweat for an hour doing resistance training, barely burning 400kcal and then drinking about 200kcal of it back right after you've done. But I guess I have learned something in school (body needs the protein and carbohydrates after workout to rebuild muscles and restore energy) and I was oh so tired and figured my body will love it. I did (it was strawberry flavored :):)). I guess earlier I never cared of my body/muscles/energy and just wanted to be skinny. (Im glad to have a brain now)

It started snowing today.
I was biking the whole day and it was such a bad weather so I got all tired. Then in the evening I went to a Stram-op class and got even more tired. But it's that nice tiredness when you're almost proud to feel it :D.
So it was sooo nice to relax in the sauna and steam sauna and bubble bath (I do not know how to spell the other word :D)). BUT it is almost impossible when it's a gym and men and women's sauna is the same. In the steam sauna I tried to solve the problem by being Nastja from Russia and not speaking any languages, but it got really annoying so I went to the bubble bath where three black about 15-year-old jalllla-walla-(=arab)guys were sitting and managed to spend about 5 minutes. I was so proud of myself, as it was so crazy/scary/wanna-laugh thing when all them little black legs and hands start appearing between the bubbles and touching you under water, coming closer and closer and the dudes keep having the same really neutral face pa :D. So I left and came home. And now im in my bed, ready to go to sleep and just caught myself thinking ' Oh I cannot be bothered participating in tomorrow', because that's just how I feel - would like to make tomorrow happen without me and be back existing on Friday.
I think I'm gonna eat tatar( Sorry, its Estonian, the name) tomorrow to motivate me because it is my most favorite favorite food and if that won't do the job then nothing won't. Or maybe horse-riding could as well, but tatar is more in accordance with my budget :D.

There's so much more I've been wanting to write, but right now I wanna sleep. I promise to do it asap though :).
Good night.

Monday, 5 March 2012

Note to self

It's the boringest :D idea ever  to have a blog about what's one eating. I promise I'll do something about it :D.

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Sunday #1

Huuuuh. I got so awfully upset just now. Was trying to change my profile photo, but ended up deleting it and not being able to replace it. Girls.

But the March has so far been amazing! :) On the first two days I got kind of annoyed when I bought a pasta salad and then realized it has ham in it and when I made a machine sandwich (I guess its a French toast with ham and cheese) and had to give it away, but now Im getting more and more into it, and feel really good. It seems exciting and interesting and so far I've had no cravings for meat/alcohol/cigarettes. I think it's because I have already decided that I'm going to do it until April and therefore my mind don't see the point in thinking about it over and over again as the decision has already been made. And I wasn't actually expecting it but it is really nice.
The main change in my diet has been kind of weird - I consume too much protein every day. I guess that's because I've been researching and thinking about it so much and was afraid to get low in it that now I end up overdoing it. The same goes for B12. 
My social life - is actually still fine as well even though March has been lasting from Thursday til Sunday. I didnt feel as if going out this weekend - maybe next one, but I didnt want to be with my friends (who I really like and appreciate) if their drinking, smoking and eating junk as it usually is on weekends. But then on Saturday I was invited to go and see a live football mach, that was really fun especially that it's warmer now and you dont have to freze while watching it as before. And today went to the pool and sauna with my new cool roommate Laura. It was so so nice :).
As well it's weird that weekend actually seems shorter if you dont go out and stay in all evenings. But I am so rested and probably more intelligent as I have watched 3 movies (Valentine's Day; Blood and Chocolate and Ghandi and if not all, then at least last two of them are really really interesting) and as well I borrowed loads of books on friday and am now reading the coolest book about Vietnam war and another one about little black dresses and a third one in Danish.
The exercising week has been really cool too. A fitness center had this campaign that try two weeks for free, so I've been participating in different classes, worked out on my own and as the sun is shining almost aaaal the time then went running as well :).
Tomorrow I'm gonna spend my day in the gym practicing for my work placement. And until Thursday I can use the fitness center as well. But I have no plans yet.

I guess that's about it. And as promised my today's menu cause it is a Sunday:
Breakfast (oh so late): omelet with broccoli and tomato, cucumber, celery salad. Natural yogurt, mustard, crisp bread, coffee.
2 pm: puree soup with almonds; ciabatta, milk; fresh pineapple
5pm: 1/2 grapefruit,  pineapple
6pm: worlds best salad (number 21 here :)) ryebread
8pm: toast with tomato

That's it :). But now I'm gonna read a book and eat some candy I think :).
Have a nice week :)