Monday, 12 March 2012

My Oh My

As a bad example I'm gonna write down my todays menu and I promise I'm not lying. 

Breakfast: oatmeal with cinnamon
Snack: piece of beancake - amazing protein cake by my classmate Josephine :)
Lunch: some other really really good cake with loads of butter and almonds in it with fruits
Snack: small portion of rice noodles with mushroom, onion, beans, tomatoes; almonds and fruits from the same cake
Snack: Ryebread from bakery with a lot of different seeds
Dinner: Two pieces of white bread with strawberry jam, the-almond-cake; peppermint tea

Done  :D. And I have no idea how it so happened, cake just kept coming from everywhere. And I actually had a piece of my own homemade apple cake with me in my lunchbox the whole day cause I thought I'm gonna have a nice start to the week and give myself something nice. Apparently so did everyone else.
And now I put all the things into this diet program (its estonian but really good) and the result was almost 2500kcal with 37% of fat of which saturated 11%; compared to my normal ca 1500-2000kcal and now its eleven o clock in the evening and Im so hungry. Its usually never like that though I dont eat after six. Usually I have this nice light feeling before going to bed, that Im not too full, but I cant fall asleep when Im so hungry I can feel it all the time :/. So now I just made a cup of peppermint tea and gonna drink it to feel fine for a while and try to fall asleep as fast as possible :D.
I can relate to how people get fat. I really can. 

Good night. 

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