Monday, 12 March 2012

Summary #2

By now I think I have completely got into the habit of not eating meat. I haven't thought about it forever and I haven't been making any food I couldnt eat. I dont focus so much on my protein intake anymore and now it seems to be fine again :). I feel so good and have a lot of energy.
Mondays now actually are the days where I have the most energy and I'm really rested and ready for the whole week as apparently all I do in the weekends is resting :). But I think I need to go out at least once before March ends and I have to make it a rule because otherwise I'll just keep hiding from the difficult situations at home. Maybe. Because I can imagine it being pretty hard going out and drinking juice or cofee or coke while others are drinking alcohol and getting more and more drunk and funny and gonna start smoking and then go crab a sharwarma or something. On the other hand I'm not sure if its actually a difficult situation or is it just..pointless. And annoying. Because why would I join people doing something if I dont wanna do it myself. Whatever. Im gonna go out and try (it's not like I have never done it before :D).
But it is so weird how the world is (or is it just my brain again). For example we had this party at my dorm on Friday. And around 1am I heard my doorbell, but I was too sleepy to understand what or where it is or what shall I do, so I didnt do anything. And then again at 3am, but when I finally reached the door there was noone there. And then again at 6 when I finally woke up, opened the door and there was loads of my neighbors all in proper party mood asking why was I asleep and not partying and telling me what a great party it had been. And then yesterday I went to ask the sauna key from another of my neighbours and he asked me as well why hadnt I been at the party and I really didnt know. For me it was..I saw the poster but I didnt even think of going there as I knew Im not drinking. And isnt that weird. As it was just in my building I could have gone and chatted with people and danced, but no, i didnt even come to my mind.
But I promise to go out next weekend. I think I even know where to and with who :).

But so far so good, Im doing great and feel amazing! :)

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