Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Wednesday 07.03.2012 menu

I almost forgot about my promise to post every Wednesday and Sunday menu here. And I almost forgot it was Wednesday. But here it is

Breakfast: bun with strawberry jam
10:00 (after spinning class and biking to school): muesli bar, apple, ricecake with cheese (a so fatty one, that it tastes disgusting and you can smell it as well :(, that's the only one we have at school :/ )
Lunch (for lazy poor people who rather sleep than cook): carrots and celery  
14:00: ryebread and tomato
Dinner: vegetable soup, tomato, mozzarella, homemade pesto, crisp bread
21:00 (after workout): meal replacement drink with protein and carbs, 200kcal per serving.

..and once again, I've been eating too much protein - it keeps on happening ever since March started, it never happened before, although the main source of protein in one's diet is meat :/
I guess it's good that I forgot that I should post it, because I'm sure I would have made more effort eating if I'd known I have to publish it :D.
As well it's notable that I had that meal replacement drink. I usually never have them, because it seems kind of stupid to sweat for an hour doing resistance training, barely burning 400kcal and then drinking about 200kcal of it back right after you've done. But I guess I have learned something in school (body needs the protein and carbohydrates after workout to rebuild muscles and restore energy) and I was oh so tired and figured my body will love it. I did (it was strawberry flavored :):)). I guess earlier I never cared of my body/muscles/energy and just wanted to be skinny. (Im glad to have a brain now)

It started snowing today.
I was biking the whole day and it was such a bad weather so I got all tired. Then in the evening I went to a Stram-op class and got even more tired. But it's that nice tiredness when you're almost proud to feel it :D.
So it was sooo nice to relax in the sauna and steam sauna and bubble bath (I do not know how to spell the other word :D)). BUT it is almost impossible when it's a gym and men and women's sauna is the same. In the steam sauna I tried to solve the problem by being Nastja from Russia and not speaking any languages, but it got really annoying so I went to the bubble bath where three black about 15-year-old jalllla-walla-(=arab)guys were sitting and managed to spend about 5 minutes. I was so proud of myself, as it was so crazy/scary/wanna-laugh thing when all them little black legs and hands start appearing between the bubbles and touching you under water, coming closer and closer and the dudes keep having the same really neutral face pa :D. So I left and came home. And now im in my bed, ready to go to sleep and just caught myself thinking ' Oh I cannot be bothered participating in tomorrow', because that's just how I feel - would like to make tomorrow happen without me and be back existing on Friday.
I think I'm gonna eat tatar( Sorry, its Estonian, the name) tomorrow to motivate me because it is my most favorite favorite food and if that won't do the job then nothing won't. Or maybe horse-riding could as well, but tatar is more in accordance with my budget :D.

There's so much more I've been wanting to write, but right now I wanna sleep. I promise to do it asap though :).
Good night.

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